Winnipeg Door has been providing garage door and opener sales, service and installation to Manitobans for over 50 years. Proudly locally owned and operated, we offer an array of residential and commercial products to suit any project, design and budget.
Sectional doors, operators, rolling doors, high-speed doors, dock levelers and seals, parts and service
Local, Experienced and Reliable
Locally owned and operated with decades of door experience. Residential and commercial sectional door sales and repairs is what we do. You can count on us to be around for the life of your door.
Dedicated Staff, Flexibility and Customer Service
With a sizable pool of experienced staff, some that have been with us for over 20 years, we have the resources required to manage large scale and customized projects. Customer service is our #1 priority. In addition, we operate Winnipeg’s largest garage door service and installation fleet of 15+ vehicles with 24 hour response, no charge estimates, and experience handling any situation.
Warehouse, Office, and Showroom
Our products can be seen in-person by customers and designers alike five days a week. In addition, we have a fantastic showroom with operating doors.
Competitive Pricing and Show home Discount Program
Our volume and quality of work minimizes our overhead costs per order, allowing us to be competitively priced even with local manufacturers and sub-contractors. In addition, we offer show home discounts on all doors and operators installed in new developments and feature homes, such as in the annual Parade of Homes showcase.
We are your garage door sales, service and installation specialists. It’s what we do and we’re proud of it!